5 Snacks To Keep On Hand When Trying To Lose Weight

Discover some of the best snacks to have on hand when you start to get hungry. Snacking between meals can become our worst enemy when trying to lose weight.
5 snacks to keep on hand if you're trying to lose weight

While snacks may satisfy you, these “little” pleasures add up to unnecessary calories. However, the snacks themselves are not the problem, but  choosing foods with a low nutritional value is. So try these snacks to keep on hand if you want to lose weight.

We even recommend eating satisfying and stimulating snacks that help keep your metabolism working.

Below we share 5 snacks to keep on hand.

 5 snacks to keep on hand

1. Yogurt and nuts

Snacks to keep on hand: yogurt with nuts

Natural low-fat yogurt combined with some nuts is an easy and healthy snack recipe.

This snack is an important source of fatty acids, amino acids and probiotics. Once in the body , they help improve metabolism and also digestion.


  • ½ cup natural low-fat yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nuts


  • First, put the yogurt in a small bowl and combine it with the chopped nuts.

Best time to enjoy it

  • Enjoy this snack mid-morning or afternoon.

2. A banana and almond milk smoothie

This delicious recipe stands out as a snack because not only does it help keep us from getting hungry, but it also provides energy and is ideal for overcoming that mid-morning fatigue.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 250 ml almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • First cut the ripe banana into pieces and mix it with the almond milk in a food processor.
  • Once the mix is ​​homogeneous, sweeten it with the honey.

Best time to enjoy it

  • Enjoy this snack mid-morning or whenever you feel like eating something.
  • If you prefer, prepare it as a mid-afternoon snack.

3. Roasted Chickpeas

Paper bag with roasted chickpeas

While it may not be as popular a snack as the aforementioned, roasted chickpeas are a great option for satisfying hunger without eating more calories than you need to.

This snack contains a good dose of omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids and also antioxidants that aid in weight loss and in taking care of the body.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ cup chickpeas
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Cayenne pepper (to taste)


  • Grease a baking tray first.
  • Then spread the chickpeas evenly.
  • Then bake them at 220°C until crispy.
  • When they have the right texture, sprinkle them with some salt and cayenne pepper.

Best time to enjoy it

Take them to work and enjoy them in the middle of the morning.

4. Berries with cottage cheese

This peculiar and delicious combination of ingredients can provide us with a significant amount of valuable protein and antioxidants.

Hüttenkäse is a low-fat cheese that combines well with fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and cranberries thanks to its taste.


  • ½ cup berries
  • 2 tablespoons cottage cheese


  • First wash the berries well, drain them and combine them with the cottage cheese.

Best time to enjoy it

In the morning, about 2 hours after breakfast.  You can also enjoy it as an afternoon snack.

5. Apple with peanut butter

Plate with apple slices and a bowl of peanut butter

Apple combined with the nutty flavor of peanut butter is perhaps our favorite snack for satisfying our hunger between meals.

This fruit is low in calories and, thanks to its fiber content, is filling and digestible. You do have to watch your portions though , as peanut butter has a high fat content.


  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter


  • First wash the apple and cut it into several slices.
  • Try to leave the skin on to preserve the fiber.
  • After that, take the peanut butter and spread a small amount on each slice.

Best time to enjoy it

Eat the apple slices when you start to get hungry.

Want to try these healthy snacks to keep on hand at home? If you’re trying to lose weight and feel restless between main meals, don’t think twice about spoiling your palate with these great snacks to have on hand.

Keep in mind that if you don’t want to gain weight, eat everything in moderation. Remember that too much is not good for your health.

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