5 Makeup Tips To Disguise Puffiness

If you didn’t sleep well, or you stayed up too long, you may have bags under your eyes. Here we have some foolproof tricks to hide those puffiness and still look great.
5 makeup tips to disguise bags under the eyes

Bags under your eyes can be very annoying if they are clearly visible. However, you don’t have to settle for them if you don’t like the look in the mirror. In this article we will give you makeup tips to disguise these bags.

Your face may always look tired. Fatigue sometimes hits you when you least expect it. However, don’t feel bad if you have bags under your eyes. It’s  very normal.

If you haven’t slept well or you’ve changed your work routine, follow these tips to help disguise the puffiness.

Makeup tips to easily disguise bags under the eyes

Close up of an eye

Below we have made a list of the most well-known techniques to disguise the bags under your eyes. They are very simple and will make you look young and fresh.

  • Use a primer that corrects. Primers are perfect for concealing imperfections as they are long lasting and moisturizing. It is best to opt for a liquid type.
  • Corrective cream (concealer). These are great because the cream won’t crack or cover your expression lines. That is why it is one of the most used products.
  • Tan foundation.  Use a base color that is not the same as your skin tone. A shade that looks tanned will be better for the areas you want to correct.
  • Use the products properly. This is important because if you use too much of it, it won’t look good. Always use the right amount, so that it does not drip or is too thick.

Advice to disguise bags under the eyes

Advice to disguise bags under the eyes

To get the best results when you want to disguise your bags, follow these tips carefully.

  • If you want to hide the puffiness, you should apply  light eyeshadow under the eye.
  • To make eyes that are close together appear further apart, apply light eyeshadow under the eyebrows.
  • To prevent puffiness,  apply a light eyeshadow from the tear duct to the eyebrow.
  • Don’t use too many green or blue shades, because they will make your bags stand out more.
  • Use mainly brown or gray tones and go for a ‘smoky look’.

In general, makeup can be very helpful in this situation. You may also need to adjust your daily schedule to get more sleep, but if you follow our tips you will be able to disguise the bags under your eyes.

Remember that the most important thing about makeup is to take good care of your skin. We recommend that you  always use good quality products.

Try our tips and share them with your friends!

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