5 Habits That Change Your Thyroid

The thyroid is an important organ in your body, as it is responsible for producing the hormones necessary for metabolism. This means that if not enough of this hormone is produced, your body will not function properly and will not burn calories in the normal way. As a result, you gain weight and this causes hypothyroidism.
5 Habits That Change Your Thyroid

There is also a disorder that is the opposite of hypothyroidism, in which too much hormone is produced by your thyroid gland. This is called hyperthyroidism.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism or another thyroid disorder, you gain weight, get dry skin, your heart beats slower, and you may experience constipation. This slows down the metabolism and makes it inefficient.

So if you notice that you gain (or lose weight) for no reason, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor. They can do a test to see if this is caused by a disorder related to your thyroid gland or something else.

The shortage of hormone production, like an excess of it, must be treated. When it comes to hypothyroidism, you have to be on medication for the rest of your life.

While it’s true that changes in your thyroid behavior are generally caused by autoimmune diseases, congenital diseases, medications, and the like, it’s good to know that changes in your lifestyle can also alter the thyroid and alter your metabolism. influence that way.

What Habits Change Your Thyroid?

a lot of sitting

A sedentary lifestyle may be related to the presence of hormonal disorders, as in the case of hypothyroidism. Once again we want to emphasize how important it is to get exercise every day if you want to have a healthy body. Not only does it make you slim, it is also a good way to prevent illness or ill health.

Consuming Caffeine


It is important to remember that excess is harmful. If you drink too much caffeine, you should stop. Excessive consumption can cause irregularities in the thyroid gland.

Drinking alcohol

Overuse of alcohol is one of the most common habits that cause changes in the thyroid gland and changes in the body in general. But since we’re talking about the thyroid, it’s good to know that alcohol causes hypothyroidism.

Smoking tobacco


If you are a smoker, we strongly recommend that you stop. In addition to the infinite number of diseases that this product causes, you can also put your health at risk due to your thyroid malfunctioning.

Iodine deficiency

Iodine is an essential element for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. A deficiency of iodine can cause disorders.

Which foods contain iodine?

You can find this substance in fish, seafood, garlic, white beans, yogurt, cheese, cow’s milk, seaweed, oranges, apples, beets, chards, onions, pineapple etc. Be sure to include these products in your diet.

If you don’t know how to properly add iodine to your diet while avoiding over-indulgence,  it’s best to contact a nutritionist, who can give you guidelines for a balanced and healthy diet. , without getting a shortage or excess of certain nutrients.

The habits we talked about before don’t just affect the thyroid. The truth is that bad habits affect your entire body. Keep in mind that everything you do today has consequences the next day. The damage accumulates and you will have problems.

Banish the bad habits from your life. Choose the natural and healthy way. Your body is not there forever. Take good care of it so that you can enjoy your body in the best possible condition throughout your life!

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