5 Edibles That Will Make You Look Tired

Did you know that what you eat and drink can really make you look tired? In addition, you will also feel more tired. Find out which foods and drinks are involved in this article.

How do you look lately? Do others say you look tired? Or have you already noticed that you look more tired than usual? Do you actually eat well, do you think?

It is possible that you yourself are sabotaging your beauty. Without realizing it, you eat all kinds of foods that make you look more tired. 

Nutrition and fatigue

You may assume that these are your worst enemies: working too much and not getting enough sleep. But actually, your diet is the biggest determinant you need to keep in mind if you want to look good.

That’s why in this article we want to talk about five foods that can make you look really tired. Remove at least one item from the list from your daily diet plan. Your beauty will thank you!


1. Baked Foods

Fried foods are the biggest and most common culprits. Unfortunately, they are also the easiest to obtain. Popcorn in the cinema, your mother’s famous fried chicken… fried foods are always and everywhere.

Whatever food it is, fried foods contain trans fats and oils. Once absorbed, they slow down the body. This means that your body has to use more energy to process the food.

Constipation and overweight

In addition, it is one of the biggest causes of arterial blockage and obesity. And if all those effects weren’t enough, remember this: overuse of oil directly affects your face. Here we explain how this happens:

  • It breaks down the collagen in the skin.
  • Even if you drink enough water, it dries out the skin.
  • It stimulates the development of pimples and blackheads.

2. Tired of coffee


We know this sounds a bit contradictory: claiming that coffee is a drink that can make you look more tired,  because coffee is widely known as an energy-boosting drink. But have you ever wondered what that boost of energy means?

Caffeine appears to have pros and cons. For example, drinking a cup of coffee one hour before working out helps your body to go further and burn more calories.


What does this mean in practice? If you drink coffee without moving afterwards or if you drink coffee at night, you will not be able to sleep. These are the consequences:

  • bags under the eyes
  • Fatigue
  • stress

Caffeine also dehydrates you. So if you don’t drink enough water in the hours after your cup of coffee, you will experience the following effects:

  • Dehydration
  • inertia
  • Lack of energy

3. Overly spicy foods

Over-seasoned foods can also make you look tired,  as it causes blemishes and changes in skin color. The reason this happens is that herbs affect the blood system and thus cause the symptoms mentioned above.

But that’s not all. Very spicy food can also cause dilated veins and enlarge the veins. Why is this negative? The veins become so large that they can be seen on the skin.

It can also give you a bloated and puffy appearance.

4. Alcohol

As with fried foods, you can also give up alcohol consumption without changing your lifestyle. However, if you don’t want to give up completely because you like to enjoy a few drinks during social gatherings, be aware that alcohol is on the list of foods that make you look tired.


Alcohol and coffee have some common effects. The most notable is dehydration.

  • The problem with alcohol is that the dehydration is worse. And you very quickly lose track of how much you are drinking.
  • During a whole day you can drink two to three cups of coffee, but during a social gathering you can easily drink five beers.
  • To combat dehydration, it is wise to drink two glasses of water for every alcoholic drink.

5. Carbohydrates

How many carbohydrates and what kind of carbohydrates do you eat per day? Many people have made the decision to cut carbs out of their diet completely because they think carbs are bad. If you are one of those people, then you should know that this is not true.

An example is legumes. On the other hand, you need to cut out those carbohydrates that make you look tired and contain only empty calories: processed flour and sugar.

Empty carbohydrates

Empty carbohydrates make you look tired because they are difficult to digest and require a lot of energy to process. That is also the reason you feel sleepy after eating pasta.

What can I eat instead of these foods?

Here’s the best trick to avoiding looking tired from eating those foods: make sure you always have something healthy on hand.

You can eat the following instead of carbohydrates, spicy food or fried food:

  • Fruit
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • Vegetables

The best way to replace coffee and alcohol is to drink water. If you don’t like plain water, try green tea, herbal teas, or smoothies.

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