5 Breakfast Meals That Feed Your Brain

Adding an egg to your breakfast will provide your body with protein that will help nourish the brain and keep you feeling full for longer.
5 breakfast meals that feed your brain

We’ve heard it a million times: breakfast meals are the most important meal of the day. Due to the fact that breakfast increases your metabolism, people who eat breakfast are more likely to have a healthier body. Did you know that breakfast meals can also feed your brain ?

Balanced breakfast meals

Of course, we’re talking about a balanced breakfast here, not necessarily a bowl full of sugary grains and unnecessary calories. Eating a balanced breakfast will leave you feeling more alert, energized and mentally sharp throughout the day.

So let’s take a look at some of the best foods to start your day with. Here are five complete meals you can have for breakfast to fuel your brain.

1. Oatmeal

When we sleep we are actually fasting. That is where the English word ‘breakfast’ comes from, as in breaking the fast. In Dutch it is derived from the old word for ‘before’ (ont) and bite/eat, so it actually means ‘to start eating’.

When you wake up, your brain needs fresh sugar or glucose in the blood. Despite the fact that a sugary breakfast quickly increases sugar levels, it also leads to a glucose dip a few hours later.

Go for whole grain breakfast meals

Whole grain oatmeal (like all whole grains) is slowly absorbed into the body. Instead of a sudden spike in blood sugar, it creates a slow and steady rise in blood sugar.

Studies have shown that children who ate oatmeal for breakfast scored 20% higher in tests than children who ate sugary cereals. This supports the theory that blood sugar levels affect memory and concentration.

2 eggs


Eggs are a traditional choice for breakfast, but also the best choice.

  • They are rich in proteins, which are necessary to help your body with the digestion process and also keep you feeling full for longer.
  • This means that not only do they help control your weight, but they also help balance blood sugar levels and maintain a state of mental awareness at healthy levels.
  • Not only this,  eggs are also full of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your body and mind to work well together.
  • The egg white around the yolk contains the purest form of egg whites. These high-quality proteins from the egg help the body absorb it more easily.

3. Peanut butter on whole wheat toast

Not only is it simply delicious, this breakfast also provides a surge of energy. Peanut butter provides protein (which helps you feel fuller than if you just ate a piece of pie, for example).  Whole grain toast provides the best grains to keep your blood sugar balanced for the rest of the morning.

If you also add some banana pieces on top, it contains even more beneficial vitamins, which help oxygenate your brain and also keep stress at bay.

4. Greek yogurt

Yogurt and fruit

Eating yogurt for breakfast is nothing new, but Greek yogurt has become increasingly popular recently. Not only does this type of yogurt contain twice as much protein as regular yogurt, but it’s also richer and creamier than traditional yogurt.  Protein makes you feel fuller and more satisfied throughout the day.

In addition, Greek yogurt is low in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in donuts or sweet bread reduce sugar at the end of the day. These dips in your blood sugar cause a kind of mental fuzziness.

  • Add a little fruit to your Greek yogurt.
  • You can also combine it with almonds. You will then add healthy fats to your diet.

5. Dinner for breakfast

Why not flip it over and make an evening meal for breakfast? There are certainly no rules that say you can’t do that. If eating the same food every morning bores you, break the monotony and prepare what you would eat for dinner for breakfast.

Of course we are not talking about pizza or reheated chicken wings here. Think more about:

  • a baked potato
  • Greek yogurt and chives
  • a hearty vegetable soup with some whole grains and croutons

In fact, creativity knows no bounds and you can create endless nutritious meals that will help you feel better throughout the day.

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