4 Teas To Lower Your Blood Sugar

Drinking tea is the easiest way to get the medicinal properties of the plant and lower your blood sugar levels. Give it a try!
4 types of tea to lower your blood sugar level

The most common way to make tea is with the use of tea bags. You can buy this in small packages at the supermarket.

For the  recipes we are going to give you in today’s article, you will need the loose leaves of certain herbs. These can be dried or fresh leaves.
You can buy these at the market or health food stores.

How do you make tea?

How do you make tea?

It’s very easy, all you need is:


  • 1 cup boiled water
  • 1 tablespoon of leaves, flowers or roots of the dried herbs you choose,  or 2 tablespoons of the fresh herbs. 


  • A teapot or pitcher
  • A cup

What should you do?

  • Put the herbs and hot water in the teapot.
  • Let it steep for 7 minutes.
  • When it has steeped long enough, you can pour it into your cup.

Sometimes people choose to add a step to this. Namely adding honey to make it sweeter. However, since the purpose of these teas is to lower blood sugar levels, we would like to leave them out today.

This applies to all the teas we are discussing today.

Why do these types of tea lower my blood sugar?

Blood sugar meter and insulin pen

Excessive glucose in your blood, also known as hyperglycemia, is harmful to health. 

We need energy for our daily activities. But consuming sugar in excess can lead to pre-diabetes. If you don’t control this, it can lead to diabetes.

If you have diabetes you have to be very careful with the food you get. You should also keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.

However, it is  wise to talk to your specialist or diabetes nurse before adding this tea  to your daily diet.

4 types of tea to lower your blood sugar level

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an annual grass plant native to Europe and South Asia. It is used in oriental cuisine as a seasoning.

It has extensive medical applications. This herb helps treat:

  • Gastritis
  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • strep throat
  • It’s good for the liver

Thanks to its constituents such as coumarin, nicotinic acid and trigonelline, it is used as a substitute for oral blood sugar-lowering medication. This is only possible in cases of diabetes where the patient is not dependent on the injection of insulin.

There are several studies that show that fenugreek increases  the peripheral functions of insulin.  In addition, it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.

How do I drink it?

  • Drink a cup of fenugreek tea every day for a month.
  • Then stop for a week and repeat the treatment.

2. Ginseng

Ginseng tea

Ginseng is a name used to describe certain species of the  panax family.

It grows wild in the mountains from Nepal to Manchuria and from Western Siberia to Korea. But because it is in high demand, it is also grown in other countries.

Its blood sugar lowering (hypoglycemic) ability is due to the ginsenosides it contains that aid in this process.

How do you drink it?

  • Drink a cup of ginseng tea daily for three months.
  • After this you stop for a month.
  • After a medical evaluation you can start the treatment again. You should never drink this for more than 9 weeks in a row.

3. Chamomile

Chamomile is a grassy annual plant known for its antispasmodic and digestive properties.

It can also address other issues such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Hemorrhoids

In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, chamomile also increases glycogen storage in the liver. It also protects the pancreas against oxidative stress caused by an excess of glucose. 

How do you drink it?

  • Drink three cups of chamomile tea a day, always after meals.

4. Green tea

Green tea

Green tea comes from the tea plant ( Camellia Sinensis ). It is originally from China. But this tea is drunk all over the world.

It contains antioxidants thanks to the catechins it contains, as well as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E.

It is effective in lowering blood sugar levels thanks to the  polysaccharides contained in the leaves. These work in the same way as insulin.

How do you drink it?

  • Drink three to five cups of green tea for two months.
  • Do not drink this tea on an empty stomach.
  • After this, you must undergo a medical examination before continuing.

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