4 Nutritious Breakfast Ideas Based On Fruit

Breakfast is not only the first meal of the day, but also the most important. What you eat for breakfast gives your body the “fuel” it needs to wake up and start a new day.
4 nutritious breakfast ideas based on fruit

Eating a nutritious breakfast based on fruits, proteins and grains will keep you healthy and also provide your body with the energy it needs throughout the day. Take a look at the 4 nutritious breakfast ideas below to get you started.

It’s important to eat fruit for breakfast, as this is the perfect time to take advantage of fructose to satisfy your sugar cravings.

The nutritional properties of fruit are especially beneficial after many hours of overnight fasting. Fruit sugars are easily digested in the morning, meaning they give you a lot of energy. Nutritious fruit-based breakfasts also hydrate your body, which your skin will then reflect.

4 nutritious breakfast ideas based on fruit

Fruits are very versatile foods and their many flavors and textures will really spoil your taste buds. It’s best to try different combinations so you don’t get bored because it always eats the same thing.

Take a quick look at the 4 nutritious fruit-based breakfast ideas below to start your day right.

1. Regular yogurt with red berries and chia seeds

Yogurt with strawberries

Yogurt is a classic probiotic that helps balance your gut flora and can improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It also helps to strengthen your immune system. You can get a powerful, nutritious fruit-based breakfast by combining the antioxidants of red berries and “good fats” (omega 3 and 6 fatty acids).

To prepare your healthy breakfast, simply mix the following ingredients:

  • 180 grams of normal yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons red berries
  • 10 grams of chia seeds

You should let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before eating it so that the chia seeds become moist and easier to digest.

2. Oatmeal pancakes with honey and strawberries


Traditional pancakes are delicious, but offer little to no fiber and high carbohydrates. To improve their nutritional value, it’s a good idea to change the recipe and make delicious oatmeal pancakes.

The ingredients you will need are listed below so you know what to substitute compared to the traditional recipe.


  • A pinch of salt
  • 40g protein
  • Strawberries and honey (to taste)
  • 50 g oatmeal
  • 2 g ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons almond milk (you can also use cow’s milk)
  • 10 g brown sugar (you can also use honey or stevia)


  • Beat the egg whites until you can make peaks with them.
  • Then add the coconut oil and almond milk as you continue beating to make sure it’s mixed well.
  • Add the oats, cinnamon, brown sugar and a pinch of salt.
  • If the mixture looks too thick, you can add a tablespoon of plant-based milk or some water.
  • Bake these pancakes exactly as you would traditional pancakes. Using a non-stick frying pan, pour in some of the pancake mixture, fry on both sides and let the pancake cool for a few minutes.
  • You can serve the pancakes with fruits and anything you like. For example, enjoy it with fresh strawberries and organic honey.

3. Whole-wheat toast with ricotta, pears and walnuts


This is the perfect choice for lovers of sweet and sour combinations of fruits, dairy products and bread. To make this recipe you will need fresh ricotta, thinly sliced ​​pears, chopped walnuts and slices of whole wheat bread.

  • Toast the slices of wholemeal bread, slice the pears and finely chop the walnuts.
  • Then divide the ricotta cheese and pears over the toast, and finally sprinkle some walnuts on top.
  • The recommended serving is 1 to 2 slices per person.

4. Kefir, peach and banana protein shake

Protein shake

Kefir is a natural probiotic that promotes the immune, digestive and cardiovascular system.

  • To include it in your fruit-based breakfast, simply replace the milk with kefir to make a protein shake.
  • Mix a medium peach, half a banana and 200 ml of kefir.
  • You get a very thick shake that you can eat with a spoon.

Try these nutritious fruit-based breakfast ideas today and then share your experience with us. Enjoy your meal!

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