4 Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

Scoliosis usually has a good prognosis in most cases. Improvement is related to when the diagnosis is made and the treatment applied. The sooner it is detected and treated, the better. Discover four exercises that can help prevent scoliosis in this article!
4 exercises to prevent scoliosis

There are exercises that may help prevent scoliosis. They can also be combined with braces or surgery. In this article, we will introduce you to four exercises to try to prevent this condition.

Doing them right can help correct your spine, ribcage, shoulders and pelvis and achieve normal posture. However, we recommend that you always consult your doctor, especially if your symptoms are very severe.

What is a scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition that causes a lateral curvature of the spine. However, most of the population has a curvature of less than or equal to 5%. This deviation is not considered a problem. To make a diagnosis of scoliosis, the lateral curvature of the spine must exceed this figure.

So a slight degree of scoliosis will not prevent a person from living a normal life. If the curvature is more severe, certain guidelines will have to be followed or will eventually have to undergo surgery to correct it.


Exercises to prevent scoliosis

Although scoliosis usually manifests itself in childhood, it can also manifest itself in adulthood. To date, the exact causes are unknown, although it can occur due to a number of reasons. Some of these causes are:

  • genetic factors
  • uneven pelvic position
  • spinal surgery
  • a wrong position of the knee or foot

This condition usually has a good prognosis. Improvement is related to the time at which the diagnosis is made and the treatment applied. The sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better the outlook.

Useful tips to prevent scoliosis

If you have scoliosis, you need to be aware of your body, especially your spine. This way you can correct your posture during your daily activities. There are also habits that you can apply. We list a few of these tips below.

  • Swimming. This is one of the best sports that can help prevent this condition from getting worse. It causes axial traction of the entire spine and thereby helps to keep the spine straight.
  • Mindfulness. Mindfulness has been shown in several studies to help reduce pain.
  • Attitude. You have to pay attention to your posture in the different activities you do every day: when you sit, at work, when you grab or lift something, and so on. Also pay attention to this when you exercise and during sports.
  • Stress management. Watch your stress levels and take care of your mental health. The reason for this is that things like stress can make scoliosis worse.
  • To move. Train regularly, by stretching your muscles or doing strength training.

Exercises to Prevent Scoliosis

Before you start doing exercises to correct or prevent scoliosis, keep in mind that specialized treatment is needed to correct the problem, depending on the abnormality in your spine.

These exercises are particularly suitable for treating scoliosis before the end of a child’s growth period. However, they can also help adults improve their quality of life.

The goal is to do these exercises three times a week to prevent the worsening of the scoliosis as much as possible. The duration of the exercises is 20 minutes and you can do them at home.

1. The hip lift

The hip lift

One of the best exercises for people who suffer from scoliosis is pelvic lathing. You can do this by performing hip lifts, which will also strengthen your muscles.

  • To do this exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. Your arms should be relaxed at your sides.
  • Then tighten the muscles of your abdomen to release the tension in your lower back.
  • Then lift your pelvis towards the ceiling with a natural movement .
  • With your back straight, hold the position for five seconds.
  • Then slowly return to the starting position.

2. The Superman

You can do this exercise on your stomach or on your hands and knees. The latter form is the best choice in this case. Here’s what to do:

  • Sit on the floor on your hands and knees. Keep your arms straight and your knees at a 90° angle.
  • Then simultaneously lift your right leg and left arm by extending them back and forth. Keep your leg and arm up and in a straight line with your spine.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Then slowly and controlled bring them back to the starting position.
  • Then slowly lift your left leg and right arm at the same time, then bring them back to the starting position.
  • Do 12 reps.

3. The shelf

The plank

The third exercise you can do to try to prevent scoliosis is the plank. This is an exercise with many benefits for your back and posture.

It belongs to a group of isometric exercises, which means that you have to tense a muscle in a certain position. If you did it right, you will notice the results in the muscles of your shoulders, abdomen and of course your back in this exercise.

  • Remember that your body should be completely straight and parallel to the ground.
  • You should not bend your knees and also be careful not to strain your back.

4. The Cat Pose

The cat pose is one of the easiest exercises to stretch your back and try to possibly prevent scoliosis from getting worse.

  • First, sit on the floor on your hands and knees.
  • Place the palms of both hands on the floor and straighten your arms. Your knees should touch the floor and form a 90° angle.
  • Then bend your back like an angry cat by tightening your abs.
  • Extend your hip slightly forward and tilt your chin toward your chest, breathing in some air.
  • Then look up, pull your shoulder blades together and bring your belly to the floor as you exhale, like a cat stretching.

The exercises we have described here may help to prevent the progression of scoliosis. However, if you notice that your back pain is getting worse, you should see your doctor. They can tell you the best treatment options for your condition in your situation.

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