3 Ways To Improve Your Heart Health

Heart disease is number 1 on the list of most common causes of death. Start learning how to take care of your heart health today. It’s absolutely worth it.
3 ways to improve your heart health

Change your life today. Improve your heart health.

This is another way to give your body a portion of love every day. It also ensures that you can enjoy your well-being. From the inside and also from the outside.

Our daily lives are made up of countless small habits. Often these little habits are bad for our hearts.

There are so many things that harm our most important organ. This all happens without us even realizing it. Some of these things are for example:

  • Sitting too much.
  • The inability to handle stress well.
  • Having bad eating habits.

So now is the best time to start taking care of your heart. It doesn’t matter if you are 15 or 60 years old. You don’t have to wait for the doctor to tell you that your cholesterol and blood pressure are too high. You can now start making small changes.

Investing in the present means feeling great in the future. So we suggest you start today. Put these easy strategies into practice to improve your heart health.

Your heart, a serious subject

Heart of Flowers

Right now we know that the disease we fear most is cancer. It also generally has a greater impact on your life. However, we must not forget that heart disease is the leading cause of death.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO or World Health Organization), this is the list of the 10 diseases that cause the most deaths per year:

  • Ischemic heart disease
  • strokes
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diarrhea related diseases
  • Respiratory Cancer
  • Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • traffic accidents
  • Heart disease due to hypertension
  • Premature Birth and Low Birth Weight

As you can see from this data, heart disease is one of the biggest challenges health institutions face.

Something to keep in mind is that a large percentage of these deaths are preventable. However, this is only possible if we control our daily habits well.

A few things you can do are:

  • Get enough exercise
  • Healthy food
  • Do not smoke

You should also look at diseases that run in your family.

Your heart asks you for good care every day. So in this article we want to discuss three ways you can do that.

Three points to take care of your heart health

Since the year 2000, the ‘World Heart Day’ has been organized every year on September 29. In 2016, the World Heart Federation used the motto: “Power your life”. This simple phrase brings with it the motivation and strength we all should have to take care of your heart health.

Medical institutes tell us that people are not aware of the risk factors that affect your heart health.

The biggest problem is that it usually starts unnoticed. Elevated cholesterol and hypertension are two conditions that don’t cause symptoms until long after they start.

We need to open our eyes and start taking good care of our health. So we must learn to give our lives a boost with these three pieces of advice.

1. Walk for half an hour six times a week

To walk

Going outside and walking for half an hour a day doesn’t cost much. It does not break routines, nor does it require extreme sacrifice. Your body gets used to it. And most importantly, you need it.

Walking at a steady and good pace is the best exercise for your heart you can do.

Get outside and walk in your natural environment. You can even do it in good company. All you need then is a good pair of shoes and suitable clothes.

If you have physical problems, such as osteoarthritis in your hip or knee, you can also walk on a treadmill. Then walk on the flat, safe surface of the machine. Avoid overload. Control your pace at all times to reduce the chance of lesions and other injuries.

2. Be alert to heart risk factors

The first thing to do is arrange for periodic checkups with your doctor. You must be checked for, among other things:

  • Blood pressure
  • cholesterol
  • blood sugar
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)

If you have people with heart conditions in your family, you should tell your doctor.

3. You are what you eat


What do you eat? Do you think you have a healthy diet?

Sometimes we are driven by the desires to eat certain foods. This then causes damage to your heart. Above all, we must pay attention to what we put on our plate. So that’s another way we can take care of ourselves.

To do that, you can follow these easy tips:

  • Avoid, among other things, saturated fats and trans fatty acids, sugar and salt as much as possible with your meals.
  • Eat citrus fruits regularly.  They help you to lower your cholesterol.
  • Eat eggplant, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, broccoli, arugula and tomatoes every week . These vegetables are very good for your heart health.
  • Also add  smoothies, yogurt, chia seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds to your meals.
  • Eat pomegranates   when it’s the right season. They are super good for your heart.
  • Also eat as much garlic and onions as possible .
  • Eat 30 grams of dark chocolate every day . This helps to bring a little joy into your life. And it’s good for your heart too.
  • Eat salmon regularly . This is a very healthy source of protein.

So start today to take good care of your heart health. It’s worth it!

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