12 Good Tips For Strong And Healthy Hair!

You can nourish your hair from the inside as well as on the outside so that you have strong and healthy hair. But you should still be careful with the chemicals in hair care products. Because they can weaken the hair and diminish its shine.

We have all seen how many celebrities have strong and healthy hair. Because if there’s one thing we envy those famous people, it’s how they look in every situation.

It’s more than just the clever Photoshop or tricks with the camera. The truth is, you’d probably like to have their skin, hair, or figure out of the camera yourself too!

In this article, we’ll tell you how to have strong and healthy hair, just like you see in the commercials.

Could you thread a strand of hair through a needle just like a thread? Do you have shiny, soft hair that looks natural at any time of the day?

Maybe you think that’s only possible for movie stars. Still, there are many different ways to get that strong and healthy hair you see on highway billboards or in magazines:

1. Cut off the damaged points

When hairs grow, they also weaken, especially at the ends. Because that’s the oldest part of the hair.

  • Start by trimming a small amount of hair (no more than one inch). Repeat at the same rate as the hair grows.
  • Remove those “ugly” split ends and it will look healthier.

Because split ends don’t look good!

2. Brush the hair every day

Brush strong and healthy hair every day

Buy a soft-bristled brush. Try brushing the hair while it is still wet. That way you avoid breaking the hair.

If you have very long hair, you can also brush them before going to sleep.

This stimulates better circulation in the scalp and the hair follicles will produce healthier hair strands.

3. Know what hair type you have

If you have this information, you can choose the right care products.

A thorough evaluation consists of three parts:

  1. Density  (thick, medium, thin)
  2. Structure  (thick or thin)
  3. Strength  (porous, elastic, hydrated)

4. Rinse with cold water

Yes, you should actually do this in winter too! After washing, rinse the hair. The last time you rinse it off, you should always use cold water as this will close the stratum corneum.

You will notice that your hair looks shinier and softer. This technique also makes it grow faster.

On the other hand, hot water increases the production of fat in the scalp and breaks the hair strands.

When you dry the hair, you will notice that there are more split ends.

5. Use quality products for strong and healthy hair

Strong and healthy hair and care products

While the best-known brands are not always a guarantee of quality, you can still choose products that suit your hair type and that will give better results.

We recommend using organic beauty products that do not contain any chemical elements and are less harmful to the hair.

6. Do not use the hair dryer and curling iron too much

Even if you already have nice and smooth hair, try to reduce the number of times you dry or curl it per week.

These devices spread a heat to which the hairs are exposed. This will dry out the hair and make it look dull and lifeless. There is a greater chance that the hair will break or that split ends will develop.

It is best to use them only when you have to go to a special event or on cold days when it is better not to go outside with a wet head.

7. Massage your scalp for strong and healthy hair

You can do this while showering or even while watching TV. It has a lot of advantages!

These are the benefits of massaging the scalp:

  • Improved circulation to the hair follicles
  • Stress reduction
  • Conditioning the scalp

Try massaging your scalp several times a week using essential oils. You will see the effects almost immediately.

8. Avoid overuse of chemicals

Strong and healthy hair and wash your hair

Just like the heat from the hair dryer and curling iron, chemicals are bad for the health of your hair. In addition, some products can damage your hair.

We are talking about coloring and straightening treatments (unfortunately even the high quality ones). Your hair is actually much more beautiful in its natural color. Don’t change it!

9. Avoid the sun and pools

During the summer and holidays, your hair is likely to look less shiny and feel weak. This is due to exposure to the sun, the chlorine in swimming pools or the salt of the sea.

We suggest that you wear a cap when swimming and use a protective product, which acts as a barrier against harmful elements.

10. Don’t wash it too often

Both the scalp and hair strands take several hours to dry completely. In addition, the hair will contain less natural oils if you wash it often. As a result, it will look duller.

How often you wash your hair depends on your hair type and the time of year. But it wasn’t every day, not even in the summer.

11. Follow a Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair

Strong and healthy hair and nutrition

In addition to taking care of your hair from the outside, it is also necessary to nourish it from the inside. It is important that you follow a balanced diet and that your meals contain plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, make sure to include plenty of nuts, vegetables, and water in your diet.

12. Don’t Wear It Up

Pigtails and tight braids can break your hair strands, especially if they are tied too tightly. In extreme cases, this can even cause hair loss.

The infamous ponytail is bad for the health of your hair. It’s best to wear your hair loose. Only put it on in certain situations, such as when you are training or when it is very hot.

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